Spacebook 0400 is a collective blog for creatives, who will create work in a monthly theme. Besides world domination the goal of this blog is having fun and some room to experiment.


Smoke and Mirrors is all about pleasing the audience.
It would be very embarrassing if they saw you drown now wouldn't it?

Gouache on cardboard,
20 x 51


smoke & mirrors

When people say smoke & mirrors, i think magicians and when i think magicians, i say Bunnies!
Smoke's the grumpy one and mirrors just happily does whatever smoke's doing :P


 pencil and acrylic on cardboard
19 x 9,5 cm


Tezcatlipoca is the Smoking Mirror.
According to Aztec mythology, Tezcatlipoca (tes-cat-lee-poh-ka) was considered the god of magic and darkness.
(spray)pain & ink on cardboard.
16 x 26 cm